Dental Exams: Why They Are Important

Regular dental exams, together with dental hygiene, are essential for your oral health. With regular dentist visits, you can help reducing a myriad of risks and and get the best care for your teeth. Dr. Birnbaum recommends to visit his office at least twice a year. During a dental exam, we will perform a comprehensive examination of your neck, face, lower jaw, and lymph nodes before taking a look into your mouth. We will examine your guns for signs of gum disease, check for cracked, broken and loose teeth, assess your bite, look for signs of oral cancer, examine your existing fillings and, lastly, take a dental x-ray. Dr. Birnbaum uses both digital x-rays and CariVu—the most advanced and precise methods for effective examination and early detection tooth issues.

When you engage in regular dental exams, you can treat gum disease early and avoid plaque and tartar buildup, which can have dire consequences to teeth and gums—from gingivitis to periodontal disease. Early detection allows reversing its effects. Another clear benefit of oral exams is effective cavity detection. If detected early, the damage will be just a small hole and it will be treated without requiring to engage the entire tooth. Another important aspect that can be detected is oral cancer. Our team will use a special light inside your mouth in order to look for dead tissue caused by tumors.

Moreover, dental exams can also address teeth clenching, grinding, and jaw and bite dysfunctions. If Dr. Birnbaum notices that some teeth are wearing out, he will be able to treat this condition, bruxism, and provide night guards. For jaw and bite abnormalities, TMJ therapy is a great option that can adjust your bite and avoid chronic headaches and ear pain.

Regular dental exams are essential to maintaining good oral health—in combination with frequent dental hygiene and good oral health habits. Make sure to schedule your next dental exams with Dr. Herbert Birnbaum to ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy.

Contact Dr. Birnbaum today at (617) 965-1400 or book your appointment for your professional dental checkup or cleaning today.


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